I thought this would be a very different post, but things did not turn out the way I envisioned. I think it is safe to say that things did not turn out the way many envisioned. Here is a documentation of my experience before and after the 2016 presidential election.
Tag Archives: Bryn Mawr
Snapshots from the Asian Students Association Culture Show
The Bakery House
How to support local institutions and celebrate your friend’s birthday

The loveliest buttercream flowers/ H. Novak
The Harriton Farmstead Fair

Setting up Camp/ H. Novak
Yesterday was the 26th Annual Harriton Farmstead Fair. I went with two of my roommates as both a study break and weekend excursion. The fair was on the grounds of the Harriton House, on a small incline about half a mile away from the college. The house was built in 1704 by Rowland Ellis, a Welsh Quaker who called his estate Bryn Mawr or “high hill” in Welsh, and so the town got its name. The estate of Bryn Mawr was later home to Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congresses.